Leavers Transport


On the map provided below you can see where the free buses run. All Leavers get access to these free buses when they purchase their Leavers 4-day party pass. The exact bus stops are established closer to the event and can change year by year depending where Leavers are staying.

Depending on where you are staying and the number of Leavers staying in the same area, sometimes wait times to get on the buses can be up to an hour.


At specific resorts that are outside of the free bus route, there are direct transfer options to and from the zone with some local Leavers friendly transport operators.

Sure Thing Schoolies connects you with these direct transfer options as to make your Leavers trip simple and easy. The direct transfer option is usually between $7.50 and $15.00 per person one way. Final pricing depends on the final numbers to be transported at the resort and where you are staying.

The direct transfer option is paid in full in advance to the transport operators and is the hassle free option where you don’t have to line up for the buses.


At specific resorts that are outside of the free bus route, Busselton Taxis for a reasonable price can transport you. They can assist to get you to wherever you need to go.

The team at Busselton Taxis is Awesome and a Leavers friendly operator endorsed by the team at Sure Thing Schoolies as “The Leavers Friendly Transport People”.

They have taxis that hold up to 4-Leavers and have mini-buses that hold up to 13-Leavers. Their pricing is very reasonable as they are a Government regulated operator that operates by the highest standards of professionalism.

If you are staying at a remote accommodation, the team at Busselton Taxis can pick you up anytime 24-hours a day for the entire duration of Leavers and drop you to where you need to go. It’s often the cheapest option to get them to pick you up and drop you to the free bus route and do likewise when returning home at night.

Ensure you save their details in your phone for this Leavers week – http://busseltontaxis.com.au/


Mid 2017 Uber launched into Busselton (Taking the market by storm) and as a result offering even more awesome transport choices this Leavers week.

Uber is endorsed by the team at Sure Thing Schoolies as “The Leavers Friendly Transport People”. This is mainly because they are one of the world’s largest operators and operate by the highest standards of professionalism.

Ensure you save their details in your phone for this Leavers week – https://www.uber.com/en-AU/cities/busselton/


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