Q) What is the Bond Reduction option on the itinerary that I can see?
A) As cash is tight for many Leavers, Sure Thing Schoolies provides a service where you can to reduce your bond to $100, which is very helpful as many Leavers bonds are $500 per person. The following are examples depending on the bond required from the accommodation partner. You are still liable to cover the full cost of any damages if they occur. However, this service reduces the upfront bond payable – allowing you to bring the upfront cost within reach so that you don’t miss out on your Leavers trip.
$500 required bond reduces to a $100 bond payable (Service fee $80 deducted from bond after Leavers)
$300 required bond reduces to a $100 bond payable (Service fee $40 deducted from bond after Leavers)
$250 required bond reduces to a $100 bond payable (Service fee $30 deducted from bond after Leavers)
$200 required bond reduces to a $100 bond payable (Service fee $20 deducted from bond after Leavers)
Q) What are the dates for Leavers?
A) 2024 (17 Nov – 22 Nov 2024) and 2025 (23 Nov – 28 Nov 2025)
Q) What time do buses travel to the parties in the zone?
A) The buses generally run on the bus route provided on the map in this email every 30 minutes by day and every 10 minutes at night.
Q) Is alcohol permitted for Leavers?
A) Alcohol is generally not permitted at most Leavers venues but for 2017 Leavers the majority of Sure Thing Schoolies accommodation partners overlooked Leavers drinking alcohol as long as Leavers were behaving legally and responsibly.
Q) Are tickets to parties in the zone included in the itinerary you have provided?
A) No, they are not. Tickets to the zone are to be purchased separately. The tickets can be purchased at South West Coach Line, 39 Albert St, Busselton by calling 08 9753 7700.
Q) How much does it cost to buy tickets to the parties in the zone?
A) Leavers from 2017 paid $110 per person for a 4-day pass and this included daily access to the zone from Monday to Thursday between 7pm and 1am plus the transport is no extra. The actual price is determined upon the ticket release on a given year, therefore 2018 prices will be released closer to Leavers 2018 but the prices should be similar. The zone usually has DJ’s, a Silent Disco, awesome carnival rides like the zipper, a pamper tent, a PlayStation area, food for sale, a fully equipped medical area and much more. The ticket price also includes access to the Meelup Beach day on Wednesday which is great fun for all.
Q) How many people go to the Busselton area for Leavers?
A) Thousands, and growing. New bookings are made daily and for 2018 there will be almost 10,000 Leavers attending, it will be epic.
Q) What events or activities the Leavers can expect if they are under 18?
A) The Official Leavers activities will be held in the area as usual. There is also great Leavers vibe at all Sure Thing Schoolies Leavers accommodation that can be enjoyed regardless of age. Staying at the Leavers accommodation is a huge advantage for those who are under 18 as it gives them an extra venue to enjoy and celebrate their Leavers trip in a safe and controlled party environment.
Q) Do we have the Freedom to explore and enjoy the rest of Busselton?
A) Yes. We understand that you want Freedom during Leavers. You have the freedom to explore the beautiful Busselton area and experience the local culture. You can go shopping, do tours and activities as you wish.
Q) As for room configuration (who goes in which room with each other)?
A) The group will get their room allocation, however, we don’t select the guest’s configurations within their own group, they can decide amongst themselves on arrival.
Q) Is there a Curfew?
A) No. You don’t have this restriction at Sure Thing Schoolies accommodation
Q) Do the Leavers bookings include transport/transfers from home?
A) No, these are booked separately by Leavers. However, upon purchasing the Leavers party/event ticket, this will include transport.
Q) What’s the food like in Busselton?
A) Enjoy the amazing food available in Busselton. The food includes all the normal stuff you would expect such as Pizza, Chicken, Steak, Pasta, Fish and Chips, Wedges, Seafood, Burgers, Fresh Fruit.
Q) Is Busselton suitable for people with dietary requirements such as vegan or vegetarian?
A) Yes. There are so many food outlets available that you are very likely to find multiple options for your dietary requirements.
Q) What Time Zone is Busselton in?
A) Being in WA, Busselton is in the UTC +8 AWST time zone (same as Perth)
Q) Is it safe to attend Leavers?
A) Yes, it is! In over 10 years, Sure Thing Schoolies is the Leavers provider with the 100% safety record. Also, Clint Browning (Police Manager of WA Leavers) looks after the Red Frogs, the Green Team for WA Leavers and the overall safety and smooth running of the event and does an incredible job in keeping Leavers safe year in and year out. In addition, all Sure Thing Schoolies partners have undergone accommodation approvals and safety checks have been arranged for Leavers accommodation prior to the event to ensure that quality control standards are at the level expected at Sure Thing Schoolies venues. Where applicable this has also involved getting the Tick of Approval from Environmental Health Officer of the Busselton City Council after site visits. This provides extra peace of mind, giving Leavers and their parents further reassurance of the Sure Thing quality seal of approval.
Q) What is the check-in and checkout time at the accommodation?
A) Generally, check-in starts from 2 pm onwards. If you get there before 2 pm you may be able to leave your bags at reception whilst you explore the area. There may be many people checking in at once, so keep in mind that you may not be able to check in at exactly 2 pm. The whole group should check in together all at once. As for Checkout, you must generally vacate your room completely by no later than 10 am on the day of departure.
Q) We’ve heard that Sure Thing Schoolies is awesome, is this correct?
A) Yes, it is as Sure Thing Schoolies is the Ultimate Leavers Party People that know how to help Leavers have the best week of their life whilst keeping them safe at the same time.
Q) How soon should we book?
A) Just like the hottest concert tickets… The Leavers accommodation gets snapped up nice and early, the earlier you book, the better it is for you. To get things rolling, contact schoolies@surething.com.au and let them know how many people are in your group and where you want to book. From there, they will send you an itinerary of the best available rooms and will give you details on how you can make them yours!’